Monday, May 01, 2006

Mrs. Z expecting a new Baby Z!

Yes, it is true! We have New Baby Z scheduled to come into the world on or about November 2nd. Mad, Mrs., and Baby Z couldn't be more excited about the news. We pray that God will bless us with another happy and healthy package that brings even more joy and love into the MZ household.

We will keep you posted.

Very Happily,



  1. Thank you, Jan! We are indeed very thankful.

  2. no wonder you've been so busy. and i had to find out by e-mail. if we could have more, trust me - nanchouse would be full of babies! i am fighting back the tears right now...uh, no i'm not - here they come. wait until i tell j.b. and anybody else who will listen!

    congratulations madze and mama z and baby z - may G-d bless you with more joy than you can contain.

    now, i'm off to see what i can do to spoil the new one...if nothing else, i'll help keep the grandparents up to snuff!

  3. Hopefully you'll figure out how this keeps happening. Anyway, congrats!

  4. That is great news MZ AM Yisroel Chai

    JB I know plenty of Jewish people named Jeff at least a handful.

  5. Thanks, Nanc. I knew you'd be going crazy with excitement!


  6. Mr. B, you can safely assume it is happening the fun way.


  7. JB, my first Baby Z ("Boo-Boo") is now 15 months. She'll be 21 months when "New Boo" arrives.

    First time around we did not find out the sex beforehand. This time we will, and, yes, I will share the info. Figure it will be around week 19 (about 6 weeks from now).

    Thanks for the well wishes!


  8. Beak, thanks for the well wishes - and you are right: Jeff is a common Jewish name. It will not be "New-Boo's" name, however.


  9. That's funny MadZ, mine are 21 months apart also(we started late so we didn't mess around!) Congratulations and Psalm 127 at ya'! Yes, Nanc went and blabbed it, you would think she was the proud grandma, or aunt at least!
    Best wishes and G*D bless all 4 of you!


  10. She is an official "cyber-Aunt", MW. Thanks for the nice thoughts.


  11. I do not blab!

    i am the spreader of great news!

  12. Mazel Tov MZ

  13. Thanks, KH. I'll take some Mazel anytime I can get it!


  14. Praise be to our LORD for blessing his people!

    Pray for a happy and healthy baby.

    You will name him Jacob. Right?

  15. I pray for a happy and healthy baby ! sorry I forgot the "I" in my first post.

  16. Mazel Tov!! All the best to you and your family!

  17. Nanc- You are the great herald of the community! You are also Cyber-Aunty! Live with it!
    MadZ- Have you had an ultrasound yet, or soon? Inquiring minds want to know? or the nosy neighbors anyway. Face it, if we are a community, stuff like this is important! We humans love to be in each others lives. Live with it!


  18. madze - as you may know or may not know our last little girl we called little zee girl or omega baby until she was about three. nobody at our house knows their real names.

  19. MZ: Congratulations to you and your wife! First bit of good news I have had at this site for some time ... : )

  20. We need more bloggers so keep up the good work.

    Drinks are on me!!!!!!!!!


  21. Thanks to you all. Freedomnow, I'll just take a beer for now, but break out nothing less than the 18 year old single malt when New Baby Z comes into the world.

  22. i may even have a shot of hard liquor when babynanc arrives!

  23. I'll have a glass of wine in Baby Z's honor, keep us informed. Or you'll have a bunch a folks on your case!
    Blessings to all!


  24. geez tazz - how about we get you a guinness?

  25. Miller High Life is the beer of choice for MZ, so let Taz drink away. Guiness? Nice to drink a pint now and then, but High Life is the beer that men who despise liberal quislings enjoy most.

    You've seen the "real man" commercials, right?

  26. I see we are going to have to escalate to a decent whiskey.


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