Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kramer not a Jew!

Thank God! Public idiot #1 is NOT a Jew after all!

J-Post - Just when it seemed Michael Richards was about to leave the most troubling incident of his career behind, his publicist is having to explain how the comic could consider himself to be Jewish.

Last week, crisis management expert Howard Rubenstein acknowledged that Richards had shouted anti-Semitic remarks in an April standup comedy routine - well before his appearance earlier this month in which he harangued hecklers with the n-word. But he defended Richards' language about Jews, saying that the comic "is Jewish. He's not anti-Semitic at all. He was roleplaying."

As Rubenstein's assertion circulated, Jewish organizations and commentators pointed out that the man who played Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld has not converted to Judaism and neither of his parents are Jewish.

Well, the other good news is that now the arabist media can't blame Richard's outburst on Israel or the Jews.

Then again...



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