Friday, December 29, 2006

Sderot prepares for evacuation

The once thriving city of Sderot, under daily rocket fire and terrorist attack since Sharon and Olmert unconditionally surrendered Gaza last year to the filthy moslems as a "good will gesture", has finally been pushed to the brink of surrender. Due to Olmert's official policy of appeasement to the terrorist vermin, the Jews of Sderot have realized that they simply have no other choice but to flee for their lives since the military can't protect them from the advancing moslem fire.

Arutz Sheva - Following the recent escalation of Kassam rockets in western Negev communities including Sderot, residents and their regional councils are now making plans to evacuate if the situation gets worse.

The Shaar HaNegev Regional Council which is responsible for 16,000 residents and students is now formulating evacuation plans if damage from Kassam rockets becomes unbearable.

“The situation is getting worse and worse. We’re not strong. We don’t have an army behind us. We don’t have a government behind us,” said Mechi Fendel, resident of Sderot.

Over sixty-five rockets have fallen on the besieged communities during a month-long “ceasefire” between Israel and terrorist factions in Gaza. While Prime Minister Ehud Olmert clings to a policy of restraint against the terrorists, residents of the battered towns are growing scared.

This past week, two 14-year-old boys from Sderot were critically injured in a Kassam attack.

Local residents and leaders are growing increasingly concerned the situation may escalate even further over the next several weeks. Regional Council leader Alon Shuster has been in contact with members of the Israel Defense Forces, and is not encouraged by the reports.

We knew how bad things had become when we saw Ehud Chirac flying the PLO flag next to the Israeli flag when meeting with Abbas to draw up his concessions to the vermin in Jerusalem last week. Sderot was a happy, peaceful, prosperous town before Gaza was capitulated to islam last year, and perhaps will be again, someday, if the Hellenized State of Marxist Jews falls into the hands of the Greater Israel Zionists who deserve it.



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