Ynet News -One Nazi agent, Adam Vollhardt, arrived in Palestine in July 1938, and was reported to have gained strong influence with Arab leaders, meeting with Palestinian leaders throughout 1938. Vollhardt held several meetings with leading Arab politicians and told them “that the Palestine question would be settled to the satisfaction of the Arabs within a few weeks,” adding that “it would be fatal to their (Palestinians’) cause if at this juncture they showed any signs of weakness or exhaustion.”Love those "Palestinian" sympathizers on the Left. National Socialist, Socialist, Communist, Leftist, Progressive, Moslem: it's all merely different sides of the same damn coin. You say tomato, I say tomahto. In the end, they all are just a bunch of Jew-haters.
“Germany was interested in the settlement of the (Palestine) question on the basis of the Arabs obtaining their full demands,” Vollhardt was reported to say to Palestinian leaders, according to a report by the British War Office. Vollhardt also assured Arab leaders that “the Germans could continue to support the Palestinian Arab cause by means of propaganda.”
German documents photographed and sent to Whitehall by an American spy revealed that in 1937, German officials had calculated that “Palestine under Arab rule would… become one of the few countries where we could count on a strong sympathy for the new Germany.”
“The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation,” a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: “Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. When faced with a dangerous behaviour of an Arab mass, when one said that one was German, this was already generally a free pass.”
Hitler was a far-right extremist. The Arabs did not align with him because they ageed with fascism, they aligned with him because they were being shoved out of the way by the British and the Jews. Everybody knows this, but I guess a rightwing nutcase website like this will distort any story to suit its extreme political desires.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, Dana cannot even bring herself to criticize the
ReplyDelete"Palestinian"/Nazi Alliance. What's a leftist troll to do?
i do believe danabobanaboboneheaddana just lurks and waits for you to post so she can be top poster! i'd love to put a smack on her and hard.
ReplyDeleteanyway, madze - have you heard anything about this?:
why are we not hearing of these atrocities here? is this side of the world mostly asleep?
have you seen this this morning, madze?:
Who would have guest it?
ReplyDeleteThe two most hate filled groups in the world loving each other.
This is what tears me when the left calls the right Nazis. I find that the two groups most hated by Islam and Nazis are most often referred to as Nazis. Jews and Christians. I guess that is "liberal logic". Sorry about the oxymoron.
Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteThe National Socialist party were a fascist organisation. In their early years they modelled themselves on the Italian fascists. Mussolini said this of fascism:
ReplyDelete"Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right', a Fascist century".
Indeed Hitler in his speeches rallied against liberals, and socialists. At one point he said:
"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."
His party were socialist in name only.
His party had Socialist econimic policies in that the business was harnessed for the State and controlled by the State.
ReplyDeleteMZ, what you didn't mention is that one hundred thousand Muslims came from around the world to fight for Hitler in the SS.
kahane - freedomnow had an excellent article on this a month or so ago. quite profound.
ReplyDeleteJames, do you not understand socialism? Not to make you feel bad, but Hitler was a socialist in all of the ways you could measure, even though he denounced the communists for lacking his fervent nationalism.
ReplyDeleteHe socialized every aspect of Germany, James. You are confusing liberal social policy with socialism.
Ha! I was going to blog this article too.
ReplyDeleteThe sympathy between Islamists and Nazis is obvious yet ignored. The war on the Jews has been fought on more than one front over the last century.
"His party had Socialist econimic policies in that the business was harnessed for the State and controlled by the State."
ReplyDeleteThis is not socialism. In socialism business is owned and run by the people and for the benefit of the people. Hitler exerted authoritarian control, and business was run for the benefit of the state. This is contrary to socialist thinking.
"Hitler was a socialist in all of the ways you could measure...He socialized every aspect of Germany".
No, he brought much under authoritarian control. That's not socialism.
James, you need to brush up on your history.
ReplyDeleteThe immediate roots of Facism can be traced to turn of the century irrational SOCIALIST and nationalist tendencies. They irrationally combined in protest against bourgeois ideas holding influence in Western Europe.
The following is a recipe for Fascism. You decide how much of the ingredients are leftist.
(1) For the base. Large amounts of Gabriele D'Annunzio, George Sorel and Maurice Barres.
(2) Add intellectual roots (spices). Arthur Schopenhauer, Fredrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, and Social Darwinism.
(3) Add a heaping shit load of Giovanni Gentile who emphasized the subordination of individuals to a totalitarian state that was to control all aspects of national life (sounds like a Democrat to my trained Rightminded ear).
(4) Add the oratorical skills of Benito Mussolini a former Revolutionary Socialist Leader, the postwar economic crisis, and a lack of confidence.
(5) Bring to a boil until there is a march on Rome and three years of bloody violence.
(6) Remove from the fire and consume from 10/1922 until ???????.
I wrote this on 12/12/01 to the Frontpage's Letter to the Editor and Readers' Forum. That's when Mr. Poe was running things. It's never been the same without that dude.
Make no mistake about it, nazis, fascists, Democrats, and marxists are all socialist that come at you in a little different way.
AND - make sure r.m. is stirring that pot! you go fabio! rrrrrrr.
ReplyDeleteJames, you seem to be confusing utopian communism with state controlled socialism. It's a common mistake made by John Lennon fans who want to "imagine all the people" living in peace.
ReplyDeleteIn reality, communism/socialism is all state run and owned. Private ownership is the first thing to go when the socialists take over.
Utopian socialism, or humanist idealism, believes that the day will come, a messianic day of sorts, when all the world VOLUNTARILY cedes all personal possessions and lives in perfect common harmony. This is a radical dream, James, and one that badly misunderstands human nature.
have you seen this, madze - the pali's aren't paying their bills:
Yes, fascism formed out of the socialist tendencies, but as a reaction against, rather than an embracement of, them. This is evident from, among other things, my previous Mussolini quote.
ReplyDeleteJames says,
ReplyDelete"This is evident from, among other things, my previous Mussolini quote."
Son, of course Ill (pun, without a doubt intended) Duce is going to tell you what he thinks you want to hear.
Remember, Europe had a middle class that had to be duped, which made Soviet style, flat out "balls in the vice," communism, very unattractive.
Because I like you James, here is another post I wrote germaine to our discussion. This was to a Dan--Just think James where Dan is written.
ReplyDeleteSo Uncle Dan, as promised, we have in Europe, all these rival SOCIALIST gangs, running amok just prior to the out break of WWII. They are all coming at their victims, from different angles, in an attempt to enslave them.
There are the Moscow backed communists, with their terrifying record of murder and rapine as the hallmark of their "revolutionary socialism."
Then there are the fascists in Italy, whose creator was a marxist-leninist, and whose spokesperson is a former revolutionary socialist saying, "yeah were socialists and we will enslave you, but at least we are not shrieking Moscow Bolsheviks."
Then there are the German national socialists, saying the same thing as the Italian fascists, and making the same promises as FDR. However, at least they have the decency to attach the word socialist to their moniker, and warn the indolent masses setting on their indolent asses, by broadcasting their evil, in the book, "My Struggle."
Up until this time, communists, fascists,and nazis were all referred to as being on the LEFT!
"The path by which Germany came to be at war again in 1939 is complicated. There is still much argument about when, if ever, there was a chance of avoiding the final outcome. One important moment, clearly, was when Mussolini, formerly wary of German ambitions in Central Europe, became Hitler's ally. After he had been alienated by British and French policy over his Ethiopian adventure, a civil war broke out in Spain when a group of generals mutinied against the left wing-republic. Hitler and Mussolini both sent contingents to support the man who emerged as the rebel leader, General Franco. This more than any other single fact gave an ideological color to Europe's divisions. Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were all now identified as fascist and Moscow foreign policy began to coordinate support for Spain within western countries by letting local communists abandon their attacks on other left-wing parties and encouraging 'Popular Fronts'. THUS SPAIN CAME TO BE SEEN AS A CONFLICT BETWEEN RIGHT AND LEFT;
Most of the World has had it wrong ever since, and thus has let the leftist nazis off the hook, for even more millions of leftist murders!--ONE DAY I AM GOING TO GET OUT MY BOOKS, SEARCH THE NET, AND GET A TRUE NUMBER OF THE PEOPLE MURDERED BY THE SOCIALISTS THAT GOT THEIR START WITH THOSE DAMN STINKY FRENCHMEN, AND THEIR HIGHLY OVER RATED FOOD!