Today, in a twist of fate that would have seemed impossible just 5 years ago, Jews are facing the kind of pogroms and expulsions from Kadima that they fled to escape from in their previous homes outside the Land of Israel. Only this time, it's the self-loathing Jews with bataans on horseback cracking their skulls instead of Russians, Germans, Arabs or Poles.
Below is a photo essay of the rally thanks to Arutz Sheva News.

This seems so surreal, doesn't it? Protesting to President Bush to help save the Jews from the wrath of the secular State of Israel. Makes me sick.
MadZ- I have spoken to one of our pastors about having special prayer and fasting for Israel and Jerusalem and her people on 8th Av. I am also passing this word to Christians on the 'net to spread to thier churches! If possible could you pass this word to to the Jewish community? I'm afraid that this is going to be a very bad year!
Thank you, TMW. You are truly a rightous gentile.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, nanc, you are too, of course.
well, thank you madze, but i just got here. please do not make the mistake of mistaking ME with tmw! she is even more rambunctious than i. and she's MUCH older >^,,^<
ReplyDeletei see that menachem has given you a new reason to live, eh? you have been busy and it's good to see you so spirited.
excellent work you've done here today.
Thanks both of you! I went after Ducky too! Called him a toddler, Menachem? Well I just can't take dissing G*D, HE doesn't need me but I do it out of love!
I see in Menachem someone who is most troubling, because he represents the swing voter who ultimately determines policies of capitulation or strength in The Land. As he goes, so goes the fate of Israel and the innocent least until we of the Right procreate our way to a majority.
ReplyDeletetime for aliyah, madze so that you may cancel his vote!
ReplyDeleteNotice that the majority seem modern Orthodox. Those who practice the actual religion know it is not conpatible with Marx or Anarchism.
ReplyDeleteAre you paying attention Dana ?
A person can not have two faiths and be Jewish. Thus practicing Marxists like yourself are not Jews. In reality Marxist stooges are not American either.
I could care less about whether or not I am considered a Jew by you, Beakerkin. You can worry about labels, I'll spend my time advocating for the Palestinian people who've been subjugated so long that violence and misery is all they know.
ReplyDeletedana - THEY create all the violence and misery they know! get a freaking clue. these people have been trouble since day one!
ReplyDeleteBeakerin, whie Dana is a fool and I dont believe she is Jewish the Halacha is clear if someone is born to a Jewish mother or has a proper conversion they are Jewish. No matter how much evil they perform their status as a Jew can't be changed.
ReplyDeleteum, madze? madze? are you trying to lure brownie over here? you will be sorry. dana is a much better troll.
ReplyDeletebtw - my new post is up.
Is Olmert considered worse than Peres? It sure does sound like it.
ReplyDeleteOlmert is no different than Peres. Peres left labor to be with him at Kadima. Both are dyed in the wool concessionists.
ReplyDeletei think there must be some sort of blogger ettiquitte rule that you're breaking. do i need to read the comments in every thread, to see if i need to defend myself?
ReplyDeleteso i'm a dangerous swing voter? ok, i guess i'm ok with that. but at least i'm a voter, MZ.
about your actual post here, about the rally in washington... i'm all for it. well done. it didn't get much coverage here, or at least not much that i noticed. were there alot of people there? who spoke?
as an american citizen, you have every right to protest your government's policies regarding israel. kol hakavod.
and on that note, happy yom yerushalayim everybody. don't forget to say hallel tomorrow (with a bracha)
only if you want to defend yourself, menachem. otherwise don't be so offended.
ReplyDeleteMenachem, I am covertly trying to get you to read all the threads. Thanks for the wishes about Yom Yerushalayim. Unfortunately, this may be the last year we will have to celebrate this day, as by next year this time Olmert may have handed half of Jerusalem over to the vermin.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I did a two mile "Walk for Jerusalem" and donated some tzedakah.
MZ: though I support much of what you stand for(not nearly everything, though) Menachem is completely correct in saying in as many words that he has more of a claim to what's happening here than do you. He made aliya, he served in the IDF, he lives here with the danger of getting blown up on a daily basis as I do.
ReplyDeleteYou, on the other hand, live safe and sound in America, and have the nerve to critisize Israelis who've given everything for this country--yes...even if they're Shimon Peres. Have some respect for your fellow Jews.
I don't know Greg, the way things are going the frontlines may be drawn in the States as well! Late last year we had an illegal alien stabbed by 5 other illegal aliens 4 blocks from my house! And a high school girl was attacked by one about a mile away, she got away PTL! We have Haitians, Cubans, Mexican's etc. in our state and the mix is hardly healthy! Which is why I told you to get loaded for bear on Warren's post, MadZ! You have babyz's to protect! Move it!
tmw: let me clarify. What I meant to say is that if one wants to make all kinds of claims and judgements concerning a country he/she does not live in,a place he/she has not served in the armed service of,etc., one is has less of an authority passing judgement on that country.
ReplyDeleteMZ: you obviously honor the memory of Rabbi Kahane(H"YD). He showed American Jews the way by making aliya and serving in the IDF. That, among other things gave him the legitimacy and paved the way for his election into the Knesset. He was a bit of a radical but was respected by many ordinary Israelis due in large part to his giving his all for this country which one cannot physically do not living here.
MZ: I take back what I said not because I think I was wrong in principle--no, only because this "ireproachable character" Menachem is concerned. I've had many an "encounter" with this guy and he strikes me as either sick or pathetic. I have no respect left for him(?) whatsoever following his newest comments on Oleh Yashan/Olah Chadasha's site. In it he attacks Oleh Yashan for a case of the latter's lack of English know-how. I suggest Menachem stops sticking his head further down his anal tracts.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Greg.
what the hell? where did that come from?
ReplyDeletewhen did i attack OY's lack of english know-how? and what does that have anything to do with what i've written here?
M: have you heard Eminem's song "Don't Screw Around With Us"? Well, you've been doing too much of that.I've had enough of you.
ReplyDeleteGreg: I agree that Menachem has his head up his ass, and I also believe he is one who doesn't necessarily mean what he says and only likes to stir up the pot with outrageous and contradictary statements.
ReplyDeleteThat said, there is an important point that need to be clarified.
Point: Menachem and yourself have more on the line in Israel than I do living here in America, therefore your views carry more weight.
On that point I partially agree, because the two of you are facing the stakes of what Israel does in real life on a real time basis. However, to that effect I also say you are representing all Jews everywhere, for as Israel goes so does the fate of the Jewish people, and, therefore, I am obligated to implore you to do what is right for us. To save Jewish lives and not let harm come to the Jewish people in the land of Israel. I am on your side even though I disagree with you, because I am trying to convince you to make changes that will save your life, and the lives of many other Jewish families like yours.
I am trying to do all I can from a distance to help make a difference. I would love to be making a difference in The Land, but unfortunately that is impossible right now. God willing, someday that will change, but since it is my reality today I must try and help you make decisions that will keep you safe and keep Israel in one piece.
I hope you take my advice in this context, but, if not, I assure you I will not stop trying.
Pikuach Nefesh motivates my opinions and this website.
please, PLEASE, greg, tell me what the hell you're talking about. can you link to something i said? quote me somehow? you keep on saying something about me making fun of OY's english, but i can't find anywhere that i've said that.
ReplyDeletei'm not attacking you, i'm not insulting you, i'm not doing anything to you. i'm just asking. what the hell are you talking about?
MZ: answer this - and, while you're trying to answer it yourself, ask every zionist jew in your community - if israel is so important, why don't you live here?
ReplyDeleteI can't speak for everyone, Menachem. In my situation, I am married, have a pregnant wife and a 16 month old, and do not have the means to up and leave at this sensitive time. I'm glad you'd want to have a "radical" like me come to the Land, even though my opinions are the opsite of yours in many ways.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind, though, the vast majority of Jews who are making Aliyah today are religious and think very much like I do.
they have the right to their opinions (which are not far off than mine), and to see their opinions given weight by the government.
ReplyDeleteyou, on the other hand... do not.
Menachem: I read some incitement into your 3rd comment on that site. I don't know whether Oleh or Olah noticed it but I did and am sincerely sick of you.
ReplyDeleteMenachem, for someone who was willing to accept orders to ethnically cleanse Jews because it was your, "ahem", duty, you seem to be pretty high on the moral horse. Sit back in your shame and keep your opinions to a minimum.
ReplyDeleteMZ, do YOU know what he's talking about?
ReplyDeletejeff: well-put and agreed.